Enter Dezeen Awards 2021 for a chance to win a trophy designed by Atelier NL

Want to win one of these elegant trophies next year? Subscribe to the Dezeen Awards newsletter to receive details of our 2021 programme celebrating the world's best architecture, interiors and design.

This video reveals the production process behind this year's Dezeen Awards trophies designed by Atelier NL, which were crafted by Saunders Seasonings and Azmy Anything from wood from salvaged London plane trees.

The trophies, which were awarded in a series of video shows last month, were crafted from hardwood salvaged from diseased or unsafe trees in London provided by Saunders Seasonings and finished off by Amzy Anything at the Black Horse workshop.

Entries for Dezeen Awards 2021 will open on 2 February, so enter for a chance to win one of these bespoke, hand-made trophies next year!

Entering its fourth year, Dezeen Awards identifies the world's best architecture, interiors and design projects, as well as the studios and the individual architects and designers producing the most outstanding work.

Launched in 2018, it has grown rapidly into one of the most prestigious and popular awards programmes in the industry with more than 4,300 entries submitted this year.

Sign up to our newsletter to receive more information about Dezeen Awards 2021 or email awards@dezeen.com.