2018 results

by SPACE10 and Spacon & X

Winner: Hospitality Interior of the Year 2018. Lokal was a pop-up farm during London Design Festival 2017, where microgreens were grown to make 2,000 salads.

IKEA's innovation lab Space10 worked with interior design studio Spacon & X to create the space during London Design Festival. It showcased Lokal, a new food project that aims to provide a space-saving and sustainable way for people to grow their own food.

It shows a way to develop a new, local supply chain—one that enables us to grow more food within our cities. Lokal showcases an alternative to our conventional supply chain by using biology, engineering and design principles to reduce food miles and our pressure on the environment.

The farm was on show at Protein Studios in Shoreditch, east London, and comprised a wooden structure of approximately two square metres, accommodating three levels of trays filled with hydroponic crops. A salad bar was set up in front of the farm, so that the nutritional food could be served up straight away.

"The beautiful part about microgreens is that the sprout actually contains the same amount of nutrients as the full-grown thing, so that means you get full value of the produce," said Simon Caspersen of Space10.

Judges comments: "This project embodies not just an aesthetic, but an ideal, which is particularly relevant in an age where resources and sustainability are key content both within and outside of the design industry."

Designer: SPACE10 and Spacon & X
Project: Lokal
Winner of: Hospitality interior of the year
Read more: SPACE10 and Spacon & X

This special award is sponsored by Eporta.

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