Oliver Manzi

Dezeen Awards 2021 judge Oliver Manzi

Oliver Manzi is an Emmy-winning self-shooting director with a background in arts documentaries. He is also head of video here at Dezeen.

Oliver grew up in Rome and graduated from London College of Communication with a BA in film and video. His graduation short was nominated for a BAFTA and won best short at the Barcelona Independent Film Festival. His second micro short was commissioned by Film4 and won the audience award at Clermont Ferrand and best short at Brief Encounters/Depict.

His films have been shown on Channel 4, Film4, the National Theatre and Tate Modern, and for Dezeen, Oliver has delivered award winning projects for brands including MINI, Adidas and Samsung, and co-directed the short documentary Elevation.

Previously Oliver has worked for Oil Factory and DV8 Physical Theatre, as well as directing documentaries Russell Maliphant and Christopher Wheeldon for Channel 4, and other dance, fashion and architecture projects. Oliver joined Dezeen in 2012, and lives in London with his wife and three children.

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