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什么是 Dezeen 设志大奖?

Dezeen 设志大奖是 Dezeen Awards 设计大奖推出的全新的地区奖项,表彰来自中国的最佳建筑、室内和设计项目。Dezeen 设志大奖面向大小事务所,为不论是资深设计师还是新兴设计师提供一个展示平台。

Dezeen 设志大奖是由全球极具影响力的建筑和设计网站 Dezeen 主办,将成为中国建筑师和设计师的荣誉,并为他们在全球平台上展示作品。

2024 年新增的类别已在类别页面上突出显示。

如何报名参与 Dezeen 设志大奖

完成 Dezeen 设志大奖的报名总共需要三步:

1) 访问 Dezeen 设志大奖网站的报名页面进行注册。之后,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含报名表链接和付款信息。
2) 通过银行转账支付报名费,并保存截图作为支付凭证。
3) 通过报名链接填写报名表。


为什么要报名 Dezeen 设志大奖?

Dezeen 设志大奖由 Dezeen 主办,由中国及全球建筑和设计行业内的资深人物组成的评审团进行评选。

所有入围和最终获奖的项目都会在 Dezeen 的微信公众号和网站主页上公布,我们的 300 万网站用户、Dezeen 在社交媒体平台的 700 万粉丝,以及超 50 万订阅 Dezeen 新闻信的读者都会了解到入选者的信息。全世界都将为你庆贺!

所有入围及获奖的事务所还将受邀参加 12 月举办的线下颁奖活动,与行业大咖近距离接触。最终获奖者将获得奖杯及获奖证书。

Dezeen 设志大奖有何特别之处?

Dezeen 设志大奖只面向中国的事务所开放!国际事务所如果在中国设有办公室并且项目主要是由中国办公室设计完成,也可以报名。

和 Dezeen Awards 设计大奖国际版类似,Dezeen 设志大奖的报名费同样也很便宜,希望让小型事务所也有机会参选,同时避免奖项被有财力报名参加多个项目的大公司垄断。


我们的奖项包括建筑、室内和设计三大类,这些都是 Dezeen 重点关注的领域。也就是说,Dezeen 设志大奖相当于一场对中国建筑和设计领域最佳作品的全面年度评审。


2024 年 Dezeen 设志大奖将由 15 名来自中国及全球建筑和设计行业内的知名人士所组成的评审团进行评选。



本届 Dezeen 设志大奖设有 19 个奖项类别:8 个建筑项目奖项,7 个室内项目奖项,以及 4 个设计项目奖项。


除此之外,我们还设立了 6 个年度设计师奖项,但它们将由评委推选,不可直接报名。







所有获奖者将获得奖杯和证书,以及报道露出的机会。所有获奖的项目都会在 Dezeen 的微信公众号和网站上公布。


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若您对 Dezeen 设志大奖有任何疑问,包括新闻宣传和赞助咨询,请发送邮件至 awardschina@dezeen.com

An English version of the above information follows below.

What is Dezeen Awards China?

Dezeen Awards China is a regional edition of Dezeen Awards that celebrates the best architecture, interiors and design projects, as well as the studios and the individual architects and designers based in China. We are open to studios large and small, and provide a platform for both new Chinese talent and established names.

Organised by Dezeen, the world's most influential architecture and design website, it will act as the ultimate accolade for architects and designers working in China and provide international recognition from around the globe.

New categories have been added for 2024, which are highlighted on the categories page.

How to enter Dezeen Awards China

There are three steps you need to complete to enter Dezeen Awards China:

1) Visit the enter page on Dezeen Awards China website to sign up. After this, you will receive an email to receive entry form links as well as payment information.
2) Pay the entry fee via bank transfer and save a screenshot for proof of payment.
3) Fill out the entry form via the entry link.

For more details on how to enter, visit the entry info page. The page contains information about entry fees and deadlines, which you can also find on the prices and dates page.

Why enter Dezeen Awards China?

Dezeen Awards China is organised by Dezeen and judged by a panel consisting of leading figures from the architecture and design world in China and around the world.

Shortlisted and winning entries will be published on Dezeen's WeChat account as well as Dezeen's main website to our three million users and seven million social media followers. They will also be included in Dezeen's newsletters sent to over half a million subscribers, bringing significant recognition to successful entrants. The whole world will know you've won!

Shortlisted and winning studios will also be able to attend an exclusive event with renowned industry professionals in December in Shanghai. All winners will receive a trophy and a certificate.

How is Dezeen Awards China different?

Dezeen Awards China is just for studios based in China! Entries from international firms will only be eligible if they have an office based in China and the project was primarily delivered by the China office.

Like the international edition of Dezeen Awards, our low entry prices are designed to attract smaller studios and avoid categories being dominated by large companies that can afford to enter multiple categories.

Our judging criteria have also been carefully considered to ensure that winning projects are not only beautiful and innovative but also strive to benefit users and the environment. We don't believe that good design today can ignore issues such as social impact or sustainability and we will be looking for projects that incorporate positive thinking in this area.

Our awards include categories for architecture, interiors and design – key areas that Dezeen writes about. This means that Dezeen Awards China is a comprehensive annual survey of the best work across the major fields of architecture and design in China.


Dezeen Awards China 2024 will be judged by a panel comprising 15 leading figures from the architecture and design world in China, as well as high-profile international figures.

Full details of the judging process can be found on the terms and conditions page.


There are 19 project categories that you can enter in total: eight architecture categories, seven interiors categories and four design categories.

All project winners will also go head-to-head to be crowned overall project winner for each of the categories in architecture, interiors and design, as decided by our judges.

In addition, there are six Designers of the Year categories, but these are nomination-only and studios cannot enter them.

What the judges are looking for

For the project categories, judges are looking for entries that best fit the three judging criteria. These are:

Beautiful: Does it look amazing? We know that beauty is subjective but our judges will be looking out for aesthetic rigour, good detailing and good use of materials.

Innovative: Does it incorporate original thinking or address a problem in a new way? We don't mean that every entry has to reinvent the wheel but we will be looking for evidence of fresh approaches and new ideas.

Beneficial: Is it useful and considerate to both people and planet? Your project doesn't have to set out to save the world but it should show respect and consideration for users and the environment.

What do you win?

All winners receive a trophy and a certificate. All winners will have their project published on Dezeen's WeChat account and also mentioned on Dezeen.

Note: once you've paid your entry fee there is no further obligatory payment to make. We do not charge fees for winners, trophies, publications or anything else. In the event that we hold a winners' ceremony, there may be a charge for this but attendance is not obligatory.

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Contact us

If you have any questions about Dezeen Awards China, including press and sponsorship enquiries, please email awardschina@dezeen.com or send a message to our WeChat account DezeenCN.