
价格与日期 | Prices and dates

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所有截止日期均以当天北京时间 23:59 为准。

2024 年 6 月 11 日:2024 年Dezeen 设志大奖开放报名

2024 年 7 月 16 日:早鸟报名截止

2024 年 8 月 23 日:标准报名截止

2024 年 8 月 30 日:逾期报名截止

2024 年 11 月:在线公布入围短名单

2024 年 12 月:公布获奖名单


我们的低报名价格旨在鼓励来自全国各地、各种规模的事务所积极参赛。个人或员工人数少于 10 人的公司可享受优惠报名价。在早鸟价结束前报名,可获得最大优惠。

早鸟报名截止至 2024 年 7 月 16 日

个人或员工人数少于 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 800 人民币

员工人数超过 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 1,600 人民币

标准报名截止至 2024 年 8 月 23 日

个人或员工人数少于 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 1,000 人民币

员工人数超过 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 2,000 人民币

逾期报名截止至 2023 年 8 月 30 日

个人或员工人数少于 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 2,100 人民币

员工人数超过 10 人的公司:每个项目报名需支付 4,200 人民币


An English version of the above information follows below.

Key dates

Entries must be submitted by 23:59 Beijing time on the night of each deadline day.

11 June 2024: Dezeen Awards China 2024 opens for entry

16 July 2024: early entry deadline

23 August 2024: standard entry deadline

30 August 2024: late entry deadline

November 2024: shortlists announced online

December 2024: winners revealed


Entry fees have been set as low as possible to encourage entries from every type of studio. There are reduced rates for individuals and companies with ten employees or fewer. All entrants can save money by submitting their entries before the early entry deadline.

Early entry until 16 July 2024

For individuals and companies with 10 employees or fewer: 800 RMB per category entry

For companies with more than 10 employees: 1,600 RMB per category entry

Standard entry until 23 August 2024

For individuals and companies with 10 employees or fewer: 1,000 RMB per category entry

For companies with more than 10 employees: 2,000 RMB per category entry

Late entry until 30 August 2024

For individuals and companies with 10 employees or fewer: 2,100 RMB per category entry

For companies with more than 10 employees: 4,200 RMB per category entry

For more information, visit the terms and conditions page.