Dezeen Magazine

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Caution Architects at Play at Ceramiche Refin

Dezeen promotion: visitors to the Milan showroom of Italian tile company Ceramiche Refin can play a board game developed using ceramic tiles next week.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Architect Danilo Premoli has devised a two-player game called PLAY5 that involves matching tiles from Ceramiche Refin's Cromie tile range against the clock - click here to learn the rules and register to play.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

The tile range features four sets named Polvere, Fango, Terra and Tendenze, each made up of nine complimentary shades.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Ceramiche Refin's showroom at Fora Bonaparte 68 will be open from 9 to 14 April, with a PLAY5 tournament between a group of architects taking place on Saturday 13.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

The company has recently launched two ranges of tiles that resemble metallic surfaces and cement finishesSee all our stories about tiles »

Here is some more information from Ceramiche Refin:

Caution Architects at Play

During the Fuori Salone 2013, Italian tile manufacturer Ceramiche Refin will be hosting the event Caution Architects at Play. Architect Danilo Premoli has developed an original board game, PLAY5, using Cromie ceramic tiles.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

PLAY5 is a game for 2 people, played on a board with a 5x5 grid and using pieces made up of 4 coloured tesserae. Working against the clock and using clever tactics, the players must create a row of at least 4 pieces with matching colours - there are 25 possible winning combinations.

During the Fuori Salone, visitors to the Refin showroom are invited to take part, and PLAY5 will culminate on Saturday 13 April with a tournament between renowned architects.
Taking part is easy; go to to learn the rules and register to play.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Above: Polvere family from the Cromie range

Cromie - A unique colour palette developed by Ceramiche Refin for architects and interior designers

Cromie consists of four families developed in 9 chromatic shades which use colour strategically and broadens the expressive potential of ceramics. Developed using the NCS-Natural Colour System®© as a reference, Cromie embraces the world of project-planning in a complementary way, and can perfectly integrate with other design and architectural elements. This chromatic palette uses the scientific criteria of brightness, saturation and shade to give a broad, infinite horizon. Offering this kind of colour range affords users many more opportunities to seamlessly create more accurate and subtle finishes for projects.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Above: Fango family from the Cromie range

Polvere - in the Polvere family we find the neutral grey shades (arranged from light to dark) and chromatic grey hues, both cold and warm, with slight hints of blue and red, that are hidden or revealed in the interaction with the other colours.

Fango - elementary yellow and red hues come into play in the nine bright colours that form the Fango family, arranged from light to dark: the yellow hues tend to red yet maintain low saturation levels so have a tonality very similar to the nuances of grey.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Above: Terra family from the Cromie range

Terra - the nine colours are organised by brightness in the Terra family with hues that tend from yellow to red. The colours here are more saturated and full therefore the yellow tint comes through in a more dominant way.

Tendenze - the Tendenze family emerges as the best way to suggest new chromatic solutions for ceramics and, in general, for interior design projects.

Cromie tiles by Refin in Milan

Above: Tendenze family from the Cromie range

Caution Architects At Play
9-14 April 2013
Refin Studio
Foro Bonaparte 68
20121 Milan

UK Specification Consultant – Massimo Sferrazza
T: +44 (0)20 3603 1884,