Dezeen Magazine

World Design Guide map of London Design Festival 2013

We've launched our World Design Guide interactive map of the London Design Festival 2013, featuring 100 of the best events across London from 14-22 September.

Users can customise the map to create their own itineraries across the city during the festival, selecting events according to date, type and district.

The map provides a short description of each event and details of opening times, as well as giving the precise location.

Its responsive design means the map can be used on a mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer.

The map is the first city guide to be produced by World Design Guide, our unique online guide to all the best architecture and design events around the world.

Keep an eye open for more city maps coming soon! Plus organisers of international events can submit details to our team for inclusion by emailing

View the full-screen version of our London map at