Dezeen Magazine

Poetry Happens, Ventura Lambrate 2011, photograph by Nicole Marnati

Ventura Lambrate 2015 call for entries

Dezeen promotion: submissions are now being accepted to exhibit at contemporary design show Ventura Lambrate during the Salone Internazionale del Mobile event in Milan next April.

Ventura Lambrate 2015 is set to run from April 14 to 19 in the Lambrate area of Milan, Italy, and will be curated by Margriet Vollenberg and Margo Konings of Dutch company Organisation in Design.

This image: Warehouse, Ventura Lambrate 2013, photograph by Nicole Marnati – main image: Poetry Happens, Ventura Lambrate 2011, photograph by Nicole Marnati
This image: Warehouse, Ventura Lambrate 2013, photograph by Nicole Marnati – main image: Poetry Happens, Ventura Lambrate 2011, photograph by Nicole Marnati

Vollenberg and Konings are strongly encouraging design labels to apply to exhibit for the 2015 event, as well as individual designers, academic and cultural institutions, brands and collectives.

Galerie Valerie Traan, Ventura Lambrate 2013, photograph by Nicole Marnati
Galerie Valerie Traan, Ventura Lambrate 2013, photograph by Nicole Marnati

During the six-day event, a series of exhibitions and pop-up restaurants will run against an industrial backdrop of factory halls, courtyards, factory halls and galleries.

Diesel, Ventura Lambrate 2013 – photo by Nicole Marnati
Diesel, Ventura Lambrate 2013, photograph by Nicole Marnati

Next year's showcase will focus on the intersection between science, design and social progress, and will also place an emphasis on projects that intertwine design and fashion.

Lensvelt and Atelier van Lieshout, Ventura Lambrate 2012 – photo by Claudio Grassi
Lensvelt and Atelier van Lieshout, Ventura Lambrate 2012, photograph by Claudio Grassi

All applications need to be submitted before 19 December 2014. For more information on how to apply, visit:

Here is more information from Ventura Lambrate:

Ventura Lambrate 2015: call for entries

Dutch company Organisation in Design is calling for exhibitors to show at Ventura Lambrate 2015 during the Salone del Mobile design fair in Milan next April. This edition, a special call goes out to design labels to apply with exceptional projects and daring installations.

Ventura Lambrate will take place from April 14 to 19, 2015 in the inspiring post-industrial Lambrate area, situated north east of the city and well connected to the other key spots of Milan Fuorisalone.

This fully-curated district shows the newest developments in contemporary design and brings a platform for business opportunities.

Organisation in Design will again organise and curate the event. Designers, design studios, academies, collectives, cultural institutions, galleries and museums, design labels and creative brands are invited to apply.

Mosa, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Claudio Grassi
Mosa, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Claudio Grassi

Ventura Lambrate 2015

Ventura Lambrate aspires to exhibit cross-disciplinary collaborations, processes and experiments that are part of the making of design projects, and fascinating conceptual ideas.

In this edition, the focus will be on the crossover between design and various areas of science and social progress. Ventura Lambrate will also provide a stage for the most interesting design–fashion hybrids. But it is also interested in hearing what ideas and subjects designers are working on, and what processes they are working with.

Courtyard, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Ilco Kemmere
Courtyard, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Ilco Kemmere

Ventura Lambrate give special call to design labels

This edition there will be a special call going out to brands and labels. Ventura Lambrate invites labels to present a thought-provoking project at the coming edition. The spacious industrial halls and elegant galleries of Ventura Lambrate are unique locations for stunning installations and revolutionary design ideas.

Because anything is possible at Ventura Lambrate, it functions as a stage for exceptionally creative projects and presentations of great impact.

Like Jaime Hayon framed it after exhibiting at Ventura Lambrate: "Ventura Lambrate felt really well. I honestly think I belong much more in this type of area than on the fair, especially because it is a place where there is much more space for research and conversation."

Via Privata Oslavia 1, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Claudio Grassi
Via Privata Oslavia 1, Ventura Lambrate 2014, photograph by Claudio Grassi

Registration for exhibitors closes on 19 December.

For more information or to apply, visit the Ventura Lambrate website .

Any queries can be directed to