Virtual Design Festival products fair | sample post

Virtual Design Festival offers an affordable launchpad for designers and brands to launch their products. This page gives you an idea of how a digital booth in our products fair will look.

The intro text (above) will provide a short summary of your product, which will be visible on the VDF home page. Each post will also include a 16:9 "hero" image, as above. A square version of this image will be shown on the VDF home page.

We will then include further text about your product, which readers will see when they click on the story from the home page or find it via search, social media or a newsletter. The text of up to 150 words will be styled by our editorial team based on the information you provide.

We can also include an email address for people to contact if they have any enquiries about the product. Clicking on the email address will automatically create an email in the user's email app, making it easy for people to contact you.

At the bottom of the post, we will include key details of the product, with links taking people to your website:

Product: Name of the product with link
Brand: Name of the brand with link
Designer: Name of the designer with link

Up to three additional images of the product will appear in the "More images" section at the bottom of the post. Readers can also click on any of the images to open a large carousel, which will enable them to click through all the images of the product.

For more information about Virtual Design Festival, our products platform and other opportunities, please email us at

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