Dezeen Magazine

British-made Ecovado offers low-impact alternative to "unsustainable" avocados

"Fake fruit is just as absurd as fake meat" says commenter

In this week's comments update, readers are discussing a low-impact alternative to "unsustainable" avocados and other top stories.

Central Saint Martins graduate Arina Shokouhi has invented an avocado alternative called Ecovado, which is meant to wean people off the resource-intensive imported fruit.

"This could be one solution of many"

Readers had mixed feelings about the Ecovado, which contains a pale green, creamy foodstuff made from a combination of local ingredients that has been packaged in a fake avocado skin fashioned from wax.

Tabitha Poppins is keen to give it a go: "I hope they make it to a local market so I can try one," she said. "If they taste good and cost similar or less, I'll switch in a heartbeat."

However, others were unsure. "Why imitate the form when you can offer a totally new alternative to avocado?" said Indrė Butkutė. "Food is a culture, not a product."

"Fake fruit is just as absurd as fake meat," added Lena Feindt.

DesignGeek thought that the design could contribute to reducing the impact of our diets.

"It's sad to see how much time people have on their hands to sit their asses down and criticise. This could be one solution of many that takes into consideration current food trends and tries to re-make them more locally and sustainably."

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KuNational Bank of Kuwait Headquarters bywait Foster + Partners
Foster + Partners unveils "iconic" supertall skyscraper in Kuwait

"The inside areas of the uppermost floors are quite astonishing"

The distinctive supertall skyscraper that Foster + Partners has created for the National Bank of Kuwait Headquarters in Kuwait City has sparked conversation among readers

"Actually quite like the look of it and the quality of execution seems to be on point," said KLM. "Evil villain vibes? Maybe. But it could equally be a superhero HQ."

Bsl agreed: "This building embraces what it is: an edifice of corporate vanity, but an elegant one at that," the reader added. "There are interesting interiors and the materials will age well."

"The inside areas of the uppermost floors are quite astonishing," added Simply Indulgence.

What are your thoughts on the building? Join the discussion ›

Michael Maltzan Architecture completes Ribbon of Light bridge with swooping arches in LA
Michael Maltzan Architecture completes Ribbon of Light bridge with swooping arches in LA

"Reminds me of Terminator 2"

Readers are discussing the new Sixth Street Viaduct in Los Angeles, also named the Ribbon of Light for its multiple concrete arches lit from below.

John loves it: "I drove by it this morning and it is beautiful," he said. "Once all the parks and landscaping are finished around/under it, this will be even more incredible." is not so sure: "I like the integral design of the stairs but I’m concerned that there's no railing. The approach needs to be upgraded to match the now-beautiful viaduct."

"Reminds me of Terminator 2," said Logorithm. "Terminator 7 should be shot here."

Do you think the bridge is a good addition to LA? Join the discussion ›

Styles and eras mingle inside "unfinished" diplomat's home in Rome by 02A
Styles and eras mingle inside "unfinished" diplomat's home in Rome by 02A

Unfinished apartment in Rome is "exquisite" and "stunning" say commenters

Readers are impressed with a diplomat's intentionally unfinished one-bedroom flat, which is located on the ground floor of an early twentieth-century building in Rome's Flaminio district.

"Highly calibrated," commented JZ. "Really well done spatial moves. The shower with the plants!" he added. "This feels like the architectural equivalent of tattooing your body: each tattoo represents an event, a memory, something unique, held together loosely because of the poetics of the body."

"Exquisite. I'm impressed," said Zea Newland.

"Stunning. Every corner has its very own strong personality, even within the same room," agreed Lndcntmpry. "A treasure trove of an apartment."

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Comments update

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