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Fost Bulb PET felt acoustic lamp by De Vorm

Fost Bulb PET Felt acoustic lamp by De Vorm

Dezeen Showroom: with an enveloping shape that invites the user to sit under it, De Vorm's Fost Bulb PET Felt acoustic lamp provides both sound dampening and illumination.

Fost Bulb is made of plastic bottles recycled into a PET Felt and is designed as "a twist" on De Vorm's Fost lamp that fits a standard light bulb.

Fost Bulb PET felt acoustic lamp by De Vorm
The Fost Bulb PET Felt acoustic lamp fits a standard light bulb

The sound-absorbing material combined with the lamp's volume creates a gentle sound-dampening effect that works well over a meeting, work or dining table.

De Vorm describes the Fost Bulb lamp as having a unique aesthetic and graphic expression, complete with a ribbed pattern on top that adds a "playful touch".

Fost Bulb PET felt acoustic lamp by De Vorm
The sound-dampening light is good for workplaces and dining areas

The lamp is available in 11 PET Felt blend colours including yellow, pink, and turquoise along with neutrals such as olive and beige.

The Fost Bulb lamp comes with a choice of E26 or E27 fittings, to suit screw-base bulbs of either 26 or 27 millimetres in diameter.

Product: Fost Bulb
Brand: De Vorm

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