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Office with modular furniture system

Zuzulu space layout system by Alki

Dezeen Showroom: Basque furniture brand Alki has collaborated with industrial design studio Iratzoki Lizaso to create a modular layout system named Zuzulu, which aims to streamline hybridised work settings.

The modular system includes panels and partitions that can be combined with Alki's collections of furniture to organise open-plan spaces into individual workstations, meeting areas and breakout zones.

Figure in office with modular furniture system
The system houses both formal and informal working areas

According to Alki, the collection takes its name from the traditional zuzulu furniture, which functions as a seat, table, storage chest and partition thanks to its foldable elements, hollow seat and wide backrest.

The Zuzulu partition system evokes similar functions on a larger scale by combining space-dividing panels with seating, desks and tables to facilitate various office activities.

Office with modular furniture system
Panels zone the space without isolating users

"We analysed uses, positions, heights and traffic flows, thus developing a consistent and contained architecture that fits out the space in a comfortable way," said Alki.

The Zuzulu wall partition is available in solid oak or fabric-upholstered options.

Product: Zuzulu
Designer: Iratzoki Lizaso
Brand: Alki

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Office with modular furniture system
Office with modular furniture system
Office with modular furniture system
Figure in office with modular furniture system