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Shakti Design Residency

Shakti Design Residency will connect emerging designers with "artisanal" Indian practices

Promotion: interior architect Shalini Misra has announced the inaugural and free-to-enter Shakti Design Residency, a month-long creative programme in India with a strong emphasis on craft.

Planned to take place between Delhi and Jaipur from 1 to 25 October 2024, the Shakti Design Residency is open to graduates and postgraduates in design.

Applicants are invited to submit a digital portfolio of work, a CV and a statement explaining their practice.

Participants of the Shakti Design Residency will visit workshops and ateliers across Delhi and Jaipur. Above and main image by Vikram Goyal Studio

The programme was created to immerse graduates in Indian craft. It will provide exclusive access to local workshops and ateliers, allowing participants to collaborate with skilled local artisans and develop a capsule collection informed by Indian design and marketed to a global audience.

Misra will select four candidates alongside an international panel of  "world-leading design and creative mentors" including Swiss designer Yves Béhar and Polish designer Marcin Rusak.

Among the other panelists are the Iranian-Italian curator of Milan's Nilufar Gallery, Nina Yashar, and Greek-Swiss designer Alexis Georgacopoulos, the director of the Lausanne design school ÉCAL.

The programme is "an opportunity for the next generation of designers". Image by Gem Palace

"This initiative will be a catalyst in order to reveal both talented craftspeople and designers alike," said Alexis Georgacopoulos, director, ECAL, Lausanne.

"Using curiosity as common denominator and by bridging cultures and disciplines, this ambitious Residency programme will push the boundaries towards a better understanding of what collaboration can do," he added.

"By bringing this together with mentorship from those at the forefront of innovation in design and technology, Misra aims to foster a collaborative, international environment as the next generation begins to design for a positive future," they added.

Misra has organised the first Shakti Design Residency with Jesse Lee, founder of shopping platform Basic.Space, who is also on the judging panel.

"India is increasingly recognised for its technology expertise and a willingness to embrace the role of design in the creation of a better future," reflected Misra.

Misra will select four participants alongside an international panel

"India currently has the fastest growing economy in the world, which will then lead to more, diverse opportunities for next-gen creatives," added Lee.

"I am delighted to participate in the inaugural design residency where we can help provide a platform to showcase amazing designers," he said.

At the end of the residency, the "most outstanding" pieces will be put into production and sold on Basic.Space and Curio.Space, the design platform founded by Misra in 2022.

Entry submissions can be made via the Shakti Design Residency website until 31 July 2024.

Here's the full list of jurors choosing candidates for the residency programme: Shalini Misra (founder, Shalini Misra Design and Curio.Space, London); Jesse Lee (founder, Basic.Space and chairman of the Design Miami board); Benjamin Paulin (founder of Paulin, Paris); Marcin Rusak (designer, Warsaw and London); Alexis Georgacopoulos (director, ECAL, Lausanne); Yves Behar (founder, Fuseproject, San Francisco and Lisbon); Nina Yashar (owner, Nilufar Gallery and Nilufar Depot, Milan); Sonali Rastogi (architect, Morphogenesis, New Delhi); David Alhadeff (founder, The Future Perfect, New York).

Partnership content

This article was written by Dezeen for the Shakti Design Residency as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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